Collect 12 Mustaches
and get a FREE

Earn Doble points on Tuesdays

Register and get your first FREE Mustache

All fields are required

  • A word on privacy: We promises to keep all information provided by you and any information we gather as a result of your purchases in the strictest confidence. It will not be sold, given or supplied to anyone outside our system. You have our word.


1- Register

2- Verify you had actually installed the card on your mobile wallet.

3- Every time you visit us to show your card to get a point

4- Once you complete 12 Mustaches you will get a reward.

5- Claim your reward by showing to cashier.

Congratulations you got a reward!

Once you collect 12 Mustaches you will receive a premium haircut on the house!.

Congratulations you got a reward!

Once you collect 12 Mustaches you will receive a premium haircut on the house!.

Who does not love extras?

Win free haircuts faster.

Is super easy to get free Mustaches by sharing the card with your friends and family, for every person that install our card and give us a visit you will get a free mustache automatically loaded to your card. Psss it had not restrictions share as many times as you want

To share with your family and friends just press in the icon as shown in the image above.

Them press SHARE button, it will show the app installed in your phone that you can use to share.

Select apps you want to use for sharing, the link will be copied automatically. Repeat as many time as you want.